Although this blog will occasionally house my random thoughts, table napkin sketches and doodles, this is more for people & things which I've found to be too good not to share. I hope they inspire awe and wonder in life for you, as they've done for me.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Entrepreneurs Can Change the World

With a long business night ahead of me, this was probably one of the best things to have seen before stepping out of the office.

Too good not to share.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

TED Talk: Seth Godin on the Tribes We Lead

I just realized (sadly) that my last post (so far back last year) was about TED.

This video is by Seth Godin, him talking about the tribes we lead. "Inspiring" and "leadership' are the first words to come to mind.

To quote him, "You don't need permission from people to lead them. But in case you do, here it is. They're waiting, we're waiting for you to show us where to go next."

A good way to start the month, I must say.

Too good not to share.