Although this blog will occasionally house my random thoughts, table napkin sketches and doodles, this is more for people & things which I've found to be too good not to share. I hope they inspire awe and wonder in life for you, as they've done for me.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Of Whales & Fairies...

I saw this video in a business convention a couple of weeks back, and until now, the images are still stuck in my head.

For some weird reason, I ended up crying after seeing it.
Growing up, kids are always taught to color within the lines, literally and figuratively. We even carry this with us as we get older. Sadly, needing to be right or to do things right stifles our creativity and even our sense of self. Staying within the lines sometimes ends up to mean staying inside the box.

This video from the Japanese Ad Council was a pretty good reminder that it's ok to let kids' (and even our) imagination run wild.

And it's in that line of thinking that I ended up loving this picture of my inaanak, Gabbie.

I had promised her butterfly wings for Halloween, and although it took a while, I eventually got her something close to what she first wanted.

It was so funny though that she wanted to wear it upside-down, saying that the pointed part should be stick up. So funny how she came up with the idea of using her frilly socks for gloves. Perfect little Dyosa.

Mom wanted to correct the orientation of the wings, saying she'd quickly ruin her new costume with how she was wearing it. Kept her from doing so. After all, the costume fit exactly what Gabbie had in mind, right Gab? :)

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